

 Here's some screenshots from some of the manufacturer's patents. Hope you'll have time to look thru these.  1. Screenshots of Modernatx (Cancer therapy) (click to see/save all screenshots) https://patents.neocities.org/Modernatx/Mod-Cancer.html 2. Screenshots of Pfizer (click to see/save all screenshots) https://patents.neocities.org/Pfi1/Pfizer.html 3. Screenshots of Johnson and Johnson (click to see/save all screenshots) https://patents.neocities.org/Jan/Janssen.html 4. Screenshots of AstraZeneca (click to see/save all screenshots) https://patents.neocities.org/AZ/AZ.html 5. Screenshots of GlaxoSmithKline (click to see/save all screenshots) https://patents.neocities.org/GSK/GlaxoSK.html 6. Screenshots of Novavax (click to see/save all screenshots) https://patents.neocities.org/Novavax/NVax.html 7. Screenshots of Oxford (click to see/save all screenshots) https://patents.neocities.org/Oxford/Oxford.html


Disclaimer: The information contained here is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing herein is medical or legal advice. You are only encouraged to do your own research NOTE: The patents often read ambiguously. They could be referring at times to the created Spike protein only. Other times the descriptions could be referring to what it doing to the persons RNA or DNA. Or perhaps both. They also sometimes read with words like NOT LIMITED TO and in SOME EMBODIMENTS.    TABLE OF CONTENTS: Moderna Pfizer Janssen (J & J) Oxford University AstraZeneca GSK Novavax Gilead ======================//MODERNA Lentivirus shows up in a couple of patents:  Modernatx, Inc. Sars-cov-2 mrna domain vaccines November 4th, 2021 https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2021159040A2 Moderna: Delivery and formulation of engineered nucleic acids https://patents.google.com/patent/US10898574B2 Lentivirus cDNA Deletions Open Reading Frame (ORF) just ======================//PFIZER *Pfizer Covid-19 v


Disclaimer: The information contained here is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing herein is medical or legal advice. You are only encouraged to do your own research. Below are found in some embodiments, as stated from the manufacturer, ingredients strictly prohibited by various major religious faiths. These include, but are not limited to: Catholic, Christian, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, Judaism.  There are other ingredients, methods, kits, technologies listed. This focus of these entries are on the contents that are prohibited by major religions. Most of the arguement supporting vaccine safety can be found in this article. It suggests that these concerns have been addressed that vaccines contain small amounts of viruses or bacteria that have been inactivated by chemical treatment – these ‘killed’ vaccines cannot cause the disease they prevent. Also it claims that these vaccines do not contain the rest of the genes from the organism, they cannot cause the illness in t