
Disclaimer: The information contained here is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Nothing herein is medical or legal advice. You are only encouraged to do your own research.

Below are found in some embodiments, as stated from the manufacturer, ingredients strictly prohibited by various major religious faiths. These include, but are not limited to: Catholic, Christian, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, Judaism. 

There are other ingredients, methods, kits, technologies listed. This focus of these entries are on the contents that are prohibited by major religions.

Most of the arguement supporting vaccine safety can be found in this article. It suggests that these concerns have been addressed that vaccines contain small amounts of viruses or bacteria that have been inactivated by chemical treatment – these ‘killed’ vaccines cannot cause the disease they prevent. Also it claims that these vaccines do not contain the rest of the genes from the organism, they cannot cause the illness in those who are vaccinated, thus ensuring that the vaccine is very safe.

However, most patents don't read as such. The way these jabs were rushed out under the EUA, it doesn't seem to have been a priority. It also seems that manufacturers enjoyed immunity from liability. Where are the incentives for full accountability, or transparency? Where are the incentives to give people choice? There doesn't seem to be any. All incentives seem to point to a further corrupt system. Shouldn't each individual should be informed to make their own conscious decision? 


*Modernatx, Inc:
Sars-cov-2 mrna domain vaccines November 4th, 2021

Note: The listed inventor, Dr. Guillaume Stewart-Jones, Senior Research Scientist, VRC, NIAID, National Institutes of Health. Conflict of interest?

*Luciferase: (It comes from the Firefly insect. You are inserting and transfecting insect cells in the human body. Furthermore, there is described a hybridization event of these cells into the human body to create barcoding methods to allow the DNA to be read and scanned as a barcode. Forbidden by major faiths.)

*GFP Green fluorescent protein: (Is a protein cell from the Jellyfish aequorea victoria. Like Luciferase has multiple functions. Forbidden by major faiths.)

Fetal bovine serum: (The serum is made by using tissue from fetal cows. This is forbidden by Hindus, vegans and Buddhists.)

Note: Lentivirus used for encoding.

*Chimeric polynucleotides: (using cells made from a chimera from a non-human animal embryo, usually a pig, and human stem cells. Against most religions and especially forbidden by Hebrews and Muslims. 

Phamacueticals may have gotten a few clerics to go along with them, but it doesn't equate to entire populations giving their approval.


Covid-19 vaccine patent:

Note: There are other ingredients, methods, kits, and technologies listed that have severe side effects. This focus of this entry is on the contents that are prohibited by major religions. 

Green fluorescent protein (GFP):


Protamine: "sperm cells of various animals" 

Yes it literally says on the Pfizer Coronavirus patent "sperm cells of various animals". Did any MD ask their patients if it would be ok to inject them with "sperm cells of various animals"???


Sick... and they are demanding you get this in you, or loose your job...


*Janssen (Johnson and Johnson):
Coronavirus vaccine: 

Hydrogel (Besides containing Graphene Oxide, it also contains Luciferase)


Human Embroyonic Kidney (HEK293)

Bovine adenovirus / Canine adenovirus / Porcine adenovirus (PIG cells) / Simian adenovirus / Monkey adenovirus / Ape adenovirus / Chimpanzee adenovirus / Gorilla adenovirus



*Biontech Us Inc:
Compositions and methods for inducing an immune response

Luciferase / (firefly)

Human Embryonic Kidney / (HEK293)

Bovine serum

Bacterial artificial chromosomes

Pig / (Porcine) Not sure if there are any pig cells in the final serum from the way the patent reads.

Anti-Porcine IgG HRP: Could be that all traces of pigs cells were replaced?


*Glaxosmithkline Biologicals Sa:
Sars cov-2 spike protein construct



Squalene (Shark liver) prohibited by strict vegans


Coronavirus vaccine


Chicken / Mouse / Guinea pig / Rat / Rabbit / Goat / Horse / Sheep / Cow / Equine  / Transgenic bovine


Gilead Sciences Inc:
Methods for treating sars cov-2 infections

Nanoluciferase SARS-CoV-2

Stearic Acid

Bovine Serum



Dapagliflozin and ambrisentan for the prevention and treatment of covid-19

Does not appear to have any religiously prohibited animal, insect cells listed in the patent.


Test system and method for differential detection of antibodies to sars-cov-2

Does not appear to have any religiously prohibited animal, insect cells listed in the patent.



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